Datasets of multiple Kinect2 RGB-D streams and skeleton tracking

The data were obtained using two different capturing setups, both with multiple Kinects2 in a circular configuration.

Small-area configuration (S): Sensors are placed on a circle of radius approximately 2.5m, with an individual performing athletic movements at the center of the captured space.

Medium-area configuration (M): Sensors are placed on a circle of radius close to 4m. Professional athletes are captured performing fast traditional sport “skills”.Dataset

The dataset includes a) the RGB-D streams from multiple Kinect2 devices, along with the necessary calibration and synchronization information. It additionally includes b) the output of Kinect2 Skeleton tracking in .txt format. The dataset in the Medium-area  spatial configuration includes also c) VICON motion-capturing data, in FBX format. For each capture, all data are included in a .zip file.

The data from a single RGB-D sensor are written in a custom file format (.scnz), which uses lossless compression for depth and JPEG compression for RGB. You can also download:

The necessary documentation is included in  a “HowTo.pdf” file, for each of the above downloads. For further details and any clarification, please contact: nzioulis(at); tofis(at); dalexiad(at)  



We are thankful to the consortium of the RePlay project (contract 601170) for capturing and processing the MoCap data.


Details and download

Sequence name Download link Download size Capturing setup Number of sensors Availability of VICON data
“Argyris 1” ~1.5 GB (S) 6 No
“Argyris 2”  ~1.9 GB (S) 6  No
“Giorgos 1”  ~2.5 GB (S) 6  No
“Giorgos 2”  ~2.6 GB (S) 6  No
“Men Gaelic Football, Punt Kick 1”  ~0.5 GB (M) 4  No
“Men Gaelic Football, Punt Kick 2”  ~0.4 GB (M) 4 Yes
“Ladies Gaelic Football, Punt Kick”  ~0.4 GB (M) 4  No
“Ladies Gaelic Football, Lift”  ~0.4 GB (M) 4  No
“Ladies Gaelic Football, Overhead Catch”  ~0.3 GB (M) 4  No
“Handball volley”  ~0.3 GB (M) 4 Yes
““Jai Alai SideArm Shot””  ~0.6 GB (M) 4 Yes
“Pelota Serve”  ~0.5 GB (M) 4 Yes
If you use these data or executables please cite:

@article{alexiadis2017integrated, title={An Integrated Platform for Live 3D Human Reconstruction and Motion Capturing}, author={Alexiadis, Dimitrios S and Chatzitofis, Anargyros and Zioulis, Nikolaos and Zoidi, Olga and Louizis, Georgios and Zarpalas, Dimitrios and Daras, Petros}, journal={IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology}, volume={27}, number={4}, pages={798--813}, year={2017}, publisher={IEEE} }
These data are only available for research purposes.