

The TenebrioVision is a comprehensive, and fully annotated dataset for Tenebrio Molitor larvae insects. It is tailored for training deep learning architectures for both object detection and instance segmentation tasks. It was created using a UI-3884LE-C-HQ (AB00979) camera in a controlled environment.

Figure 1. The UI camera and the camera setup in a controlled environment.

Dataset Description and Statistics

The TenebrioVision dataset consists of 1,120 images of 53,600 Tenebrio Molitor instances annotated for both object detection and instance segmentation purposes. Every image is taken in a controlled setup by a UI camera. The resolution of each frame is 3088 x 2076 pixels. The dataset is distributed in 14 different levels, depending on the number of Tenebrio Molitor instances inside the crate.

  • Based on the COCO format,
  • 1120 images,
  • 53600 instances,
  • Image resolution: 3088 x 2076
  • Distributed in 14 levels

Figure 2. Statistics: The distribution of TenebrioVision’s levels among the entire dataset.



Figure 3. Tenebrio Molitor larvae worms are present in a dataset of 1,120 images, ranging from frames with 10 worms to frames with 100 worms.



Figure 4. Images from TenebrioVision at level 10, 40 and 50 with their corresponding annotations.


You can download the dataset here: