Dr. Vretos and Dr. Zarpalas are Guest Editors of the Sensors Special Issue "Neural Networks and Semantic Analysis in Sensor, Image and Video Processing"

Sept. 8, 2021, 1:23 p.m.


Recent advancements in machine learning have driven researchers and the industry to progressively integrate neural networks into an abundance of applications in domains such as media, healthcare, security, banking or retail. The power of deep neural networks is situated in their predicting efficiency and adaptability to diverse circumstances, depending on their specific demands and available resources. Despite the capabilities of artificial intelligence models, they are often designed and tested upon unstructured data, i.e., uncorrelated data in terms of contextual comprehension. This Special Issue is addressed to high quality, state-of-the-art research papers that deal with neural networks in semantic analysis. We solicit original papers of unpublished and completed research that are not currently under review by any other conference / magazine / journal. Topics of interest include but are not limited to the list below:

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the list below:

  • Explainable AI
  • Human-In-The-Loop
  • Scene Recognition
  • Affective Computing
  • Semantic Classification and Clustering
  • Medical Imaging Segmentation
  • Autonomous Cars
  • Smart Surveillance
  • Recommendation Systems

For more information regarding the topics of interest, the submission process and the relevant deadlines, visit the special issue webpage.