Factory2Fit - Developing the Factories of the Future

May 5, 2017, 11:10 a.m.

The Factory2Fit Project

By developing solutions to make the factory environment more flexible and adaptable, the Factory2Fit project will bring increased worker motivation, satisfaction and productivity. It will help current and future workers to become knowledge workers in smart factories with fulfilling careers.

The Factory2Fit Idea

The core idea behind the Factory2Fit project is that the workers are experts in their own work – therefore they should have an active role in designing their work. The adaptation solutions that Factory2Fit will deliver are based on a dynamic user model that takes the worker’s capabilities (both physical and cognitive) into account. According to the Quantified Worker principle, the worker will get feedback on his/her own performance, which supports their continuous learning and skills development.

The Factory2Fit Benefits

The adaptive automation solutions that will be developed in the Factory2Fit project will have a number of benefits for workers and employers in the manufacturing industry, such as:
  • Increased work satisfaction
  • Fewer occupational health issues
  • Less stress
  • Improved efficiency
  • Increased productivity
  • Better quality products
Factory2Fit will support the cooperation between people and machines – helping current and future workers to become knowledge workers in smart factories with fulfilling careers. This will, in turn, improve the competitiveness of the European manufacturing industry and support the principle of responsible manufacturing. Factory2Fit Spotlight Feature – Research Assistant Kostas Apostolakis