VCL Co-organizes the PETRA 2019 AGENT Workshop

Jan. 21, 2019, 8:05 a.m.



The AGENT Workshop is concerned with multi-modal signal sensing and analysis for assistive environments for improving quality-of-life. It aims to attract an interdisciplinary group of researchers who are involved in research related to early detection, assessment and monitoring of human health, habits and behaviour. The workshop will focus on novel technologies that are applied on real or virtual environments and aims to enhance the quality of daily living, especially for people with disabilities or patients suffering from chronic conditions.

Papers for this workshop must address relevant topics in the design, implementation or study of interactive applications based on sensors, natural human-computer interaction, virtual environments, machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques. The workshop is organized in cooperation with the H2020 EU projects: PROTEIN, i-PROGNOSIS, and EasyTV.

For more information regarding the topics of interest, the submission process and the relevant deadlines, you can visit the AGENT Workshop page.