Sustaining Economies and Enhancing Dynamic Structures

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Funding Organization
European Commission
Funding Programme
Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean area (PRIMA)
Funding Instument
Innovation Actions
Starting Date
March 1, 2024
Total budget
ITI budget
Scientific responsible
Dr. Kosmas Dimitropoulos


Through the creation of 4 key dashboards: value chain, supply chain, ICT and digital data, and food system, SEEDS will provide useful solutions to enhance the resilience of cereal supply chain in the MENA region. SEEDS will create a useful interactive tool to boost knowledge exchange and innovation in the cereal value and supply chain for the benefits of EU and MENA farmers.

CERTH will develop a highly advanced AI knowledge-based recommendation system for the provision of suggestions about best practices and alerts. The recommendation system will leverage the sensor data (incl. local meteorological data) and Copernicus satellite data to gain a comprehensive understanding of the environmental conditions and potential risks affecting the ancient grain crops.

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