N. Avgerinos |
P. Mertis | |
M. Tsagaris | |
N. Desipris | |
G. Lyberopoulos | |
E. Theodoropoulou | |
K. Filis | |
J. Sarajlić | |
M. Pastor | |
D. Chatzakou | |
G. Kalpakis | |
C. Chatzikonstantinou | |
D. Tsatsou | |
S. Demertzis | |
P. Leskovsky | |
C. Mendes | |
S. Linehan | |
J. Mulcahy | |
I. Karvelas | |
M. Álvarez Fernández | |
A. Alegria | |
2024 |
FIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications and Innovations |
Constantly growing digitalisation in all sectors and the rapidly changing technological landscape provide vast opportunities for criminals and terrorists. Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) often lack the necessary technical and financial means as well as digital skills when preventing, detecting, investigating or prosecuting criminal and terrorist activities supported by advanced technologies. The overall goal of EMPOWER is to foster the uptake of innovative solutions based upon AI powered tools allowing Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) to increase their capabilities in such investigative fields. To that end, EMPOWER will pilot test a total of eight investigative tools in the fields of Image/Video, Voice/Text and Federated Learning. During the project, eight tools will be brought to Technology Readiness Level 8, following their testing by two LEAs with operational datasets in real-life environments. The TRACY solution is an open-source platform with the aim of up taking an AI-based system, by running large scale pilots on LEA’s premises, using telecommunications metadata in a fully operational environment, in full respect of fundamental rights and personal data protection. For greater impact, the solution shall be validated by additional LEAs within the project, with the aim to be permanently used after its completion.