mInimize coSts and mAximize Benefits in the transitionary European regional Labour markets

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Funding Organization
European Commission
Funding Programme
Funding Instument
Research and Innovation Action
Starting Date
Jan. 1, 2025
Total budget
ITI budget
Scientific responsible
Dr. Nicholas Vretos


It is evident that the process of green transition reshapes national, regional, and local economic landscapes, and triggers change in ecosystems of various industries, thereby highlighting the urgent need to plan efficient and fair strategies to minimize the costs of job destruction and maximize the benefits of job creation in a socially fair way and a geographically equal way, in the wider patterns of reskilling.

ISABEL's main objective is to provide a threefold solution to the aforementioned problem related to JCD with the use of new technologies such as AI and Large Language Models (LLM) that will:

  1. enrich our understanding of the socially and geographically uneven implications of this process across Europe, 
  2. broaden our knowledge on the factors underlying this process, and 
  3. highlight pathways of minimizing the effects of job destruction and maximizing the benefits of job creation, in a socially and spatially fair way. 

The latter include upskilling and reskilling of workers and the reallocation of labour, based on existing and forecasted skills shortages , using AI technologies to support these tasks. To achieve its main goal, ISABEL will examine the above elements at 3 different levels:

  • the aggregate European level, among the EU, UK and Serbian Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics 2 regions (NUTS2), using secondary data, 
  • at 6 countries of focus -Denmark, Greece, Poland, UK, Serbia, Spain, collecting and analyzing primary data, and 
  • Living Labs focusing on 6 regions with diverse socio-economic features.

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