Beyond Online Multiplayer: Sharing and augmenting Tele-Immersive 3D game experiences with multiple geographically distributed users

K. Apostolakis
N. Zioulis
A. Doumanoglou
D. Alexiadis
D. Zarpalas
P. Daras
IEEE COMSOC MMTC Communications – Frontiers, Vol. 12, No. 1, January 2017


As digital games often push the technological limits to advance the maturity of technologies for other sectors to closely follow, this paper presents an online multiplayer games that will contribute to further advance research towards efficient and robust user 3D reconstruction, networking, data compression and augmented reality rendering techniques. The paper examines ways of enhancing the current TI infrastructure to support more fully immersed participantsb reconstructions, addressing the inherent networking and data compression challenges. Furthermore, it is foreseen to launch thorough Quality of Experience (QoE) and Quality of Service (QoS) studies to identify elements needing improvement and scientifically ground the benefits of Tele-Immersive and AR bring to multiplayer online games. View